Hi there!
When I was 11, I had a Chopped-themed birthday party.
I don’t remember exactly how I decided on the theme, but looking back it makes a lot of sense. I’ve loved to bake for as long as I can remember. I could always be found whipping up a “concoction” for my parents and making a mess of the kitchen. At night, I would read cookbooks as a fell asleep. I would beg to watch the Food Network show, Chopped, after school.
I promptly uploaded the footage to iMovie where I added a filter, and some music, and burned them onto some empty DVDs I found in my dad’s office drawer.
After sliding them into an envelope and outfitting them for the mail, they were sent off to my guests. It was a fabulous party!
The same year I turned 11, I started suffering from terrible migraine headaches. Multiple visits to doctors garnered prescriptions that made me nauseous and tired. I ended up missing a lot of school.
Five years later, my mom read an article about celiac disease written by Jane Brody in the New York Times. I was surprised when the symptoms she listed seemed similar to mine. I eliminated gluten from my diet and have been happily migraine-free ever since.
Today, you can still find me in the kitchen whipping up new things. Except, this time, these “concoctions” are gluten-free, and I’m making a mess of my own kitchen. I’m so delighted I get a chance to share my recipes with you and hope you’ll follow along with me.